As Bedrock keeps developing year after year, its capabilities and features grow stronger, too.

And while that might be true to some degree, there's still tons of things that Bedrock does right that Java can only ever dream of achieving. Reboot the server then under Server Resource Packs in options, select Prompt to give users the choice to install the resource pack.For years, many have considered Minecraft Java Edition as the superior way of playing the game.Find the resource-pack-sha1= line and change that to the second line you were given.On the server.properties file, find the resource-pack= line and change it to your given link.Login to your server's FTP and find the server.properties file to edit.You'll receive a string of characters similar to: resource-pack= resource-pack-sha1=xxxxxxxxx Drag the ZIP file of the pack you wish to upload onto the Choose File button.The best option is to use MCPacks which is dedicated to hosting such content. Find somewhere to host your texture or resource pack.It varies depending on which Minecraft server hosting service you're using, but the general concept remains the same. If you want to add a texture pack to your Minecraft server, the process is different. If it's unusable, check you have the right version number of both the texture pack and Minecraft itself. The texture pack will now feature under the list of usable add-ons.

Alternatively, you can click Open Resource Packs folder to open the folder then drag the texture pack into that window.